
I've been scratching my head on this for a while. I need to build a LiveCode external for iOS 7, but the most recent LiveCode SDK (LiveCodeSDK-R14) only has support through iOS 6.0.

I've followed these instructions (, and got to the point that I could see that the LiveCode scripts expect to be able to copy from an LiveCode folder that corresponds with iOS 7 which doesn't exist (RunRev/Components/LiveCodeSDK/components/5_5_3/device-7_0 and simulator-7_0).

I reinstalled iPhoneOS6.1.sdk and set my xcode project to build with this (had to follow these steps - Xcode 5 with iOS 6 SDK: 'UIAccelerometer' is unavailable: not available on OS X).

So, the external builds now. I get a .lcext file whose internals look like this:

M Filemode      Length  Date         Time      File
- ----------  --------  -----------  --------  --------------------------
 -rw-r--r--     68440  14-Dec-2013  14:55:08  iOS/External-Device-7_0
 -rwxr-xr-x     19616  14-Dec-2013  14:58:00  iOS/External-Simulator-7_0
 -rw-r--r--     68440  14-Dec-2013  14:46:34  iOS/External-Device-6_1
 -rwxr-xr-x     20040  14-Dec-2013  16:14:54  iOS/External-Simulator-6_1
- ----------  --------  -----------  --------  --------------------------
            176536                         4 files

It looks like I should have the libs to load the external on the device and simulator in either iOS 6.1 or 7.0.


When I test in the simulator, the code after I call the external function doesn't run, so I assume it's erroring-out trying to load the external? Any way I can see what's happening here?


When I build the stand-alone, I get this error -

performing iOS arvm v7 (or universal) device builds requires the iOS 7.0 SDK platform to be installed (available with XCode 5.0 or later)

But, according to XCode, I have the iOS 7.0 SDK installed.


  • Xcode Version 5.0.2 (5A3005)
  • LiveCode Community Edition 6.5.0 build 3009

Seems like I'm missing something - it shouldn't be this hard to load a simple library. Any suggestions?

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You can put your code in a try/catch block to get the details of the error.

catch e
  put e
end try

Put here does an NSLog so you can look for logs in Console for the simulator or Organizer for device. You will get mostly a list of numbers which you can decipher with this.

As for the error you are getting when building device builds it sounds to me like you might not have added Xcode 5 to your mobile support prefs in LiveCode.

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