
I have a Rails/AngularJS app which works fine in local development environment. However, when I deployed this app to Amazon Cloud the AngularJS returns this error in the browser console:

Unknown provider: eProvider <- e

However it works fine on development environment.

I am accesing the below service from one of my javascript files.. for eg:-

userList. storeActorListWithId()

My service is the following:-

 woi.service('userList',['$rootScope', 'userAPI' , 'recoAPI', function($rootScope, userAPI, recoAPI){

    var actorList = [];
    var actorId = "";
        storeActorListWithId: function(data){
            actorList = [];
                    actorList.push({name: actor.castname,id: actor.castid});
        } ,
        getActorListWithId: function(){
            return actorList;
        storeActorId: function(id){
            actorId = id;
        getActorId: function(){
            return actorId;


My application.js file is as follows.Is it minification safe or not.

 resolve: {
                checkActorId: function($route,$location,$rootScope){
                    var url = $;
                    var actorName = url.replace(/\-/g, " ").replace(/\~/g, "-").replace(/\$/g, "/");
                    var  actorList = $rootScope.storeActorNameAndId;
                        angular.forEach(actorList, function(actor, key){
                            if( == actorName){
                                $rootScope.actorid =;

I have tried many solution(use of DI) given on the website but none of them is helping me. Please Help me..

Thanks in advance

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Finally got the solution after hours of research.

There was problem of minification-safe annotation in resolve block. This code was giving the above error.

resolve: {
    setParams: function($rootScope, $route) {
        $rootScope.Programmeid = $route.current.params.programmeid;
        $rootScope.channelid = $route.current.params.channelid;

I resolved it by changing the code to this:

resolve: {
    setParams: ['$rootScope', '$route', function($rootScope, $route) {
        $rootScope.Programmeid = $route.current.params.programmeid;
        $rootScope.channelid = $route.current.params.channelid;


In my case (Rails app), I had to remove the uglifier gem from my Gemfile and then remove the config line in config/environments/production.rb:

config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier

in my case

app.config(function ($stateProvider) {
    .state('A', {

was changed to

app.config(["$stateProvider", function ($stateProvider) {
    .state('A', {

then minification works

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