
I've got two entites (simplified for this question) : Folder :

class Folder {
     * @var ArrayCollection
     * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="File",mappedBy="folder")
    private $files;

File :

class File {
     * @var Folder
     * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Folder",inversedBy="files")
     * @ORM\JoinColumn(onDelete="CASCADE")
    private $folder;

I'm using database-level cascading to manage entity cascading.

I've made an event listener to be triggered when a « File » is deleted (in order to remove a MongoDB Document associated with the entity « File »)

Here that eventListener :

class MysqlMongoDBIntegrity{

     * @var DocumentManager
     private $_odm;
      * @var EntityManager
    private $_em;
     * @param ContainerInterface
    public function setODMManager(DocumentManager $manager)
        $this->_odm = $manager;

    public function preRemove(LifecycleEventArgs $args)
        $entity = $args->getEntity();
        $this->_em = $args->getEntityManager();

        if ($entity instanceof File) {

            /** @var MongoDocumentRepository $mongoRepo */
            $mongoRepo = $this->_odm->getRepository('MYBundle:MongoDocument');

The event is fired as expected when removing « File » entity directly. But, when removing a « Folder » entity, the cascading specified as database-level doesn't trigger the events.

Is there any way, without changing the cascading in @JoinColumn, to trigger this event ?

I know that delegating the cascading to Doctrine (cascade={"remove"}) would be better to triggers events, but is it possible to do that without replacing cascading in @Join annotation ?

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It's quite normal as explained here : in doctrine2, database level configured cascade don't raise lifecycle events, whether you use ORM or ODM. So it's not possible without replacing cascading in @Join annotations

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