
I'm working on a recursive query for a hierarchal table in psql. While I'm able to produce an ordered, hierarchal list, I cannot figure out how to determine whether a parent has any children.

My code at the moment:

  SELECT h, 1 AS level, ARRAY[ordering] AS ordered_path, ARRAY[id] AS breadcrumb
  FROM report h
  WHERE parent IS NULL
  SELECT hi, q.level + 1 AS level, ordered_path || ordering, breadcrumb || id FROM q
  JOIN report hi ON hi.parent = (q.h).id )
SELECT (q.h).id, (q.h).parent, (q.h).name, array_to_json(breadcrumb) AS breadcrumbs,
  row_number() OVER (order by ordered_path) AS flat_order
ORDER BY ordered_path

Which produces the following table:

id  | parent |           name        | ordering |    trail     | rownum 
  1 |        | Entry 1               |        1 | [1]          |      1
  2 |      1 | Entry 2               |        1 | [1,2]        |      2
 15 |      2 | Entry 3               |        1 | [1,2,15]     |      3
159 |      2 | Entry 4               |        2 | [1,2,159]    |      4
 16 |      2 | Entry 5               |        3 | [1,2,16]     |      5

Essentially, I'd like a column that shows if a specific entry has any children. In this example, Entry 5 has no children.

The format of the original table is:

id  |                        name              |  type   | parent | ordering 
186 | Entry 1                                  | page    |    172 |       23
154 | Entry 2                                  | page    |     63 |        3
169 | Entry 3                                  | page    |    163 |        3


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You could use a correlated subquery as an extra field:

exists (select 1 from report where parent = as has_children

It's not necessarily the most efficient — though tbh, given the query, I'm can't think of anything better off the top of my head. But it'll work.


sql below fill find the child and will count you can change how you want the output by using case statements I tested the code, seems to be working

select x.Col1, count(y.Col1) as child from Table1 x
inner join Table2 y on x.Col1 = y.Col1
group by x.Col1
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