
I have a quick question about active resource. If I have a User resource, when I do a call like

User.find(1).put(:promote, :position => 'manager')

According to the api it translates into this call /users/1/promote.xml?position=manager

My question is this. Is activeresource actually making two calls here? find doing a get, then putting on that object, or does appending .put to the .find mean that it just makes a single call. If this is so, then the only reason for the .find is the give the proper url format of /users/:id/promote ??

I couldn't find in the docs where this might be specified, but it's the .find that makes me think maybe two service calls are taking place?

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If ActiveResource works like ActiveRecord, I would say 'yes'. If you do something like


ActiveRecord first does a select to get the object and then issues an update call to the database to change the record. I would presume that ActiveResources functions in a similar manner where it issues two web services calls to get the object and then update the object.


Put the following in your intializers:

class ActiveResource::Connection
  #   Creates new Net::HTTP instance for communication with
  #   remote service and resources.
  def http
    http =, @site.port)
    http.use_ssl = @site.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
    http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if http.use_ssl
    http.read_timeout = @timeout if @timeout
    #Here's the addition that allows you to see the output
    http.set_debug_output $stderr
    return http

Search '"http.set_debug_output $stderr" "ActiveResource"' to find the original author of this helpful tip.

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