
I am improving a rock, paper, scissors program I created using swing, and now I'm adding ImageIcons for each JRadioButton. I imported and added rock, but I cannot seem to find a way to keep the bubble

enter image description here

that is shown next to the text. When I add the icon, I get this.

enter image description here

Any advice? Thanks!

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Solution 2

"How can I keep the bubble from a JRadioButton when adding an ImageIcon?"

Maybe you group the icons and the RBs into separate panels

  • Create a panel for each rock, paper, and scissors
  • Add the radio button and the label of the image to the panel
  • Add those panels to another panel to hold all three

Something like this

JRadioButton rock = new JRadioButton("Rock");
JRadioButton paper = new JRadioButton("Paper");
JRadioButton scissors = new JRadioButton("Scissors");

ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();

JPanel rockPanel = new JPanel();                         <-- Rock panel
rockPanel.add(rock);                                     <-- Rock RB
rockPanel.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon("rock.png"));     <-- Rock Icon

JPanel paperPanel = new JPanel();                        <-- Paper Panel
rockPanel.add(paper);                                    <-- Paper RB
rockPanel.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon("paper.png"));    <-- Paper Icon

JPanel scissorsPanel = new JPanel();                     <-- Scissors Panel
rockPanel.add(scissors);                                 <-- Scissors RB
rockPanel.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon("scissors.png")); <-- Scissors Icon

JPanel holdThreePanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 1));
holdThreePanel.add(rockPanel);                           <-- Rock Panel
holdThreePanel.add(paperPanel);                          <-- Paper Panel
holdThreePanel.add(scissorsPanel);                       <-- Scissors Panel

Then you'll have something like this

|  O  Rock     [rock icon]     |
|  O  Paper    [paper icon]    |
|  O  Scissors [scissors icon] |

If you don't want the text, don't set any text to the RadioButton. JRadioButton rock = new RadioButton();


Create a custom icon for selection (May be add a border to the current icon). Then you can set the selection icon as below.

JRadioButton radio = new JRadioButton(new ImageIcon("Resources/nonSelect.png"));
radio.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon("Resources/selected.png"));

Additionally you can set a rollover icon as well.

radio.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon("Resources/rollover.png"));
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