
I've been a little stuck on the following issue for some time. Essentially I have vertically stacked DIVs, all of the same characteristics and CSS class (.vert-container).

  • On scroll down, opacity of the top view-able DIV reduced as it leaves the top of the viewport.
  • On scroll down, opacity of the bottom view-able DIV increased as it enters the viewport.

This effect of the top DIV fading out and the last fading in to continue for all of these DIVs.

enter image description here

I have been trying to achieve this with a combination of the jQuery waypoints plugin and fading opacity.

Anyone who can help me, it would be greatly appreciated. I will post my very incomplete code so far for the sake of a starting point.

$('.vert-container .inner').waypoint({
  handler: function() { 
    $('.vert-container .inner').stop().animate({ "opacity": 0.2 }); // Fade out the DIV that is leaving viewport
  offset: '50%'
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I tried to do it with opacity but I was having trouble with the Javascript. I came up with this, though.

It isn't exactly what you're looking for but I think it's pretty close with much less hassle and no Javascript.

I would use the :before and :after elements on a container to make gradients at the top and bottom of the element so it sort of fakes the opacity.

Here's a quick demo:,css,output

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