
Is there really no way to print an ascii string in assembly to standard output without using up all four general purpose registers?

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Right, it takes three registers for the parameters plus one for the system call number...

But, x86 has pusha and popa, which will push and pop all the registers in one instruction.

$ cat hwa.S
write = 0x04
exit  = 0xfc
        movl    $1, %ebx
        lea     str, %ecx
        movl    $len, %edx
        movl    $write, %eax
        int     $0x80
        xorl    %ebx, %ebx
        movl    $exit, %eax
        int     $0x80
str:    .ascii "Hello, world!\n"
len = . -str
.globl  _start
$ as -o hwa.o hwa.S
$ ld hwa.o
$ ./a.out
Hello, world!


Well.. If you linked against libc you can call puts, then you'd have some callee-save registers... :-)

But yeah. The syscall interface is pass-by-register. Sorry.

Don't be so shocked. It'd be the same way if you were doing a function call on some calling conventions. For many platforms that's pretty standard. (Including all amd64 compilers I know of...)

You could write a function that takes the needed arguments from the stack.

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