
I would like to query my database based on a EntityKey is there a inbuild (or easier approach) to do this?

My current approach, would be something like this:

using (var context = new DbContext())
    context.DataBase.SqlQuery<TestTable>("select * from @p0 where @p1 = @p2", EntityKey.EntitySetName, EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Name, EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value);

(This solution currently has the problem, that the EntitySetName isnt the TableName and I would need to grab the TableName out of the MetaData, same with the Name of the Id which could also be different than database)

Or is there even a way to do this with LINQ? (which I would prefer, since I wouldnt need to manually translate)

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Solution 2

If you know the type of the entity you're retrieving, you can use the Set method on DbContext to get a DbSet, and the Find method on DbSet to get an entity by its key(s).

var dbSet = dbContext.Set<TestTable>();
var entity = dbSet.Find(EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value);

The Find method knows how to turn use the key value to get an entity; in fact, the signature is Find(params object[]) so you can pass in multiple key values if your table has a composite key (as long as they're in the right order).


You can cast your DbContext to the IObjectContextAdapter interface and from there you can access the underlying ObjectContext object which has the GetObjectByKey method:

using (var context = new DbContext())
    var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext;
    var entity = objectContext.GetObjectByKey(yourEntityKey);
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