
I'm trying to write a server, in nodejs, that can be called like so:

    .on('complete', function(){
        console.log('on complete triggered');

I'm trying to emit the event from inside the callback for the response.end, inside the callback for the http.get. like so:

Server = function(){;

    this.getData = function(fn){

        var _cb;
        fn ? _cb=fn: _cb=this.parseData;
        https.get('', _cb);
        return this;

    this.parseData = function(resp, fn){
        var _data = '';
        var self = this;
        resp.on( 'data', function(chunk){
            _data += chunk;
        resp.on( 'end', function(){
            var j = JSON.parse(_data);
util.inherits(Server, events.EventEmitter);
server = new Server();

I'm lost as what to do. What is getting me is that I can access the _data var in server.parseData in resp.end but I can't do the same for the server object.

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This line in parseData isn't doing what you expect:

var self = this;

because, at that point, this is the global object. The problem occurs in getData when you set:


Since you call _cb() instead of this.parseData(), this is not set correctly inside parseData. This is a common problem in JavaScript. You can either set self in the Server function, which would give all methods declared inside there access to it, or you can bind it:


which will cause this to be the right thing when _cb is called.

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