
I have just reskinned a site for a client and trying to tidy up the product page, One item i want to change is how The warranty information is being displayed under the product description tab,and to have a seperate tab for it

I have checked the product.html

        <div class="Content left_col" id="LayoutColumn2">

        <div class="product-description">

        <div class="box-up-sell">

and check panels.productdescription

<div class="Block Moveable Panel ProductDescription" id="ProductDescription">
<div class="ProductDescriptionContainer">
<hr style="%%GLOBAL_HideSectionSeparator%%" class="ProductSectionSeparator" />

but cannot see where the warranty info is being pulled from

i thought it should have been in a seperate tab, any ideas where the warranty info is being pulled from and why is it not in its own tab

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It should be coming from the Product Warranty Panel (%%Panel.ProductWarranty%%). Your template code will determine the actual layout, but the injection of it should come from that panel assuming your product data is properly configured.

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