
Are there any wizard type controls in WPF? I need functionality where I can go forward and back and use tabs to select a particular item which will show the details of the nested items. I can use the TabControl control but the tab items are dynamic so I cannot nest the region inside the tab item.

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WPF has a navigation infrastructure built in:

WPF Navigation Overview

Also check out the wizard sample


Another simple way I have used for a basic Wizard is to use multiple Grids and change the Visibility properties when the buttons are clicked, using an int to keep track of the 'step number'

    <Grid Name="Page1">
        <TextBlock>Page 1</TextBlock>

    <Grid Name="Page2" Visibility="Hidden">
        <TextBlock>Page 2</TextBlock>

You may try open source Avalon Wizard.

Check This link. you can create wonderful wizard using extended wpf toolkit.


Found this great example on codeproject that should give you everything that you need:

You may also consider rolling your own Wizard control. It isn't that difficult! The following posts should be helpful: WPF Wizard Control Part I and WPF Wizard Control Part II

MVVM Wizard - Usage like this (Requires DI container, views are created on first navigation)

    <controls:WizardStep ViewType="{x:Type test:View1}"  />
    <controls:WizardStep ViewType="{x:Type test:View2}" />
    <controls:WizardStep ViewType="{x:Type test:View3}" />

or like this (no DI is required, but creates all views straight away)


        <test:View1 />

        <test:View2 />

        <test:View3 />

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