
I am a little confused about how the search bots are going to crawl my ajax site. contains 3 links

  • #!/abc
  • #!/xyz
  • #!/123

I have the <meta name="fragment" content="!"> included in the head of my page so the robots should visit those links using the following url and I am using to serve up a page

How will the robots behave when they crawl these pages? When they find new links on these pages what will the url's look like?

  1. #!/abc1 =>!/abc1
  2. #!/abc2 =>!/abc/abc2
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Here is Google's full AJAX crawling specification:

The robots will see the #! and transform them into _escaped_fragment_ URLs, just like you mentioned. The <meta name="fragment" content="!"> tag is only necessary for pages that don't have the #!, for example your home page or any HTML5 push state URLs. If the URL has a #!, Google will automatically ask for the _escaped_fragment_ without checking for <meta name="fragment" content="!">

If Google crawls and finds a link on that page for /#!/xyz, it will make a separate request for

So you should always have your URLs link to the #! URL, never to a _escaped_fragment_ URL. Google will transform them on its own.

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