Cannot allocate memory for struct, error: request for member '****' in something not a structure or union



I am recently doing a school homework and I am stuck, in creating dynamic array of structs. I was looking everywhere, but no answer helped me, so can you please look at my code and help me, what is wrong? I keep getting error: C:\kof\test1\main.c|29|error: request for member 'lenght' in something not a structure or union|

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct time
int mi;
int ho;
int dn;
int me;
int ro;

struct journey
int lenght;
struct time zac;
struct time kon;
int tank;
int price;

int main ()
struct journey *fail;
struct journey *b=(struct journey*) malloc (1*sizeof(struct journey));
return 0;
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Since *fail is a pointer of type struct journey, you access its elements using the '->' notation and not using the . notation as stated here

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