
I have managed to updated the map according to which places (from my DB) are including in the current map. However, I have some issues to update the clusturers in the same way. I have try to add markerClusterer.clearMarkers() following gmarkers[i].setMap(null); but it does not work (even markers are not updated anymore).

Here's the code:

var map;  
var gmarkers = [];

function initialize() {
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(46.7, 2.5);   
    var myOptions = {
        zoom: 6, 
        center: latlng,
        mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), myOptions);

    /* Ici, on ajoute l'écouteur d'événement suite à un glisser / déposer  */ 
    google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'idle', function() {
        var bds = map.getBounds();
        var South_Lat = bds.getSouthWest().lat();
        var South_Lng = bds.getSouthWest().lng();
        var North_Lat = bds.getNorthEast().lat();
        var North_Lng = bds.getNorthEast().lng();
        var Zoom_Level = map.getZoom();         // hide and delete the existing markers

        for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {

        gmarkers = [];
        downloadUrl("./includes/AjaxMarkers.php?maxlat="+North_Lat+"&minlat="+South_Lat+"&minlong="+South_Lng+"&maxlong="+North_Lng+"&zoom="+Zoom_Level, function(data) { 
            var xml = xmlParse(data);
            var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker");
            for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
                createMarker(parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lat")), parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lng")), markers[i].getAttribute('titre'));

            var markerClusterer = new MarkerClusterer(map, gmarkers);


function createMarker(lat, lng, titre) {
    var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: latlng,
        map: map,
        title: titre    });    // keep a reference to created markers so you can remove them

Thanks you!

Was it helpful?


Your markerClusterer is defined inside the callback to downloadUrl, and isn't accessible outside of that scope.

The simplest fix is to define it in the global context.

var map;  
var gmarkers = [];
var markerClusterer = null;

function initialize() {

then in the downloadUrl callback:

    downloadUrl("./includes/AjaxMarkers.php?maxlat="+North_Lat+"&minlat="+South_Lat+"&minlong="+South_Lng+"&maxlong="+North_Lng+"&zoom="+Zoom_Level, function(data) { 
        var xml = xmlParse(data);
        var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker");
        for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
            createMarker(parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lat")), parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("lng")), markers[i].getAttribute('titre'));

        markerClusterer = new MarkerClusterer(map, gmarkers);
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