
require ('dataclass.php');
$db = new DataClass();

$app = new \Slim\Slim();

$app->group('/api/v1', function () use ($app, $db) {

  $foo = new FooClass();


This above is obviously an incomplete Slim example. But, how would I call a $db method from within $foo?

I have a bunch of routes and want to have access to the DB class from all the secondary classes used in the individual routes - w/o setting a global or loading/instantiating the DB class within each secondary class or route.

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Not 100% clear on the Slim framework structure or if there are built in methods to handle such a task in Slim, but would it not be best to pass it this way?

$foo = new FooClass($db);

And then in the FooClass() just have a call to set the $db in constructor? Something like this?

class FooClass {

  private $db = null;

  function __construct($db) {

    $this->db = $db;



Again my POV is coming from generic PHP class & OOP knowledge. So unclear if there is a better way in Slim. If there is, would be welcome to understand more.


The "right" way to do this is declare in the app container (index.php). You already got the $app initiating Slim. Get the container using $container = $app->getContainer();

After this you just simply do this:

$container['fooclass'] = function($container) {
    $fooClass = new FooClass(...)
    return $fooClass

Then you can use it everywhere doing

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