
I was wondering if there is any collection of good custom views for android available in the internet?

I know about androidviews but their last update is more than 1,5 months ago. This statistic shows the most used frameworks in a list. But especially for unknown frameworks it's not a good source.

Most of the time I'm starting to develop something to find exactly my requirements in a framework a few weeks afterwards. This is a huge waste of time and I like to change this ;)

Where do you get your frameworks from? Volley, NineOld, ActionBarSherlock, PagerSlidingTabStrip and many others are very popular, but how do you know that they exist without asking everytime on stackoverflow?

I know about the search-function on GitHub but it's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a list of Frameworks, probably sorted by specific categories ("Grid", "ActionBar")...

Otherwise: I thought about opening a frequently updating thread about all frameworks user currently use. Is this possible in stackoverflow? Haven't seen it so far...

Merry Christmas

I hope the question won't be closed as off-topic - even if it's about asking for frameworks. This can be helpful for every android-developer.

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