
Is there any HTML5 support in IE8? Is it on the IE8 roadmap?

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IE8 beta 2 supports two APIs from HTML5: cross-document messaging and non-SQL storage.

IE8 beta 2 doesn’t implement the HTML5 parsing algorithm or the new elements (no <canvas> or <video> support).

There are also bug fixes that align IE8 better with HTML5.


You can get HTML5 tags working in IE8 by including this JavaScript in the head.

<script type="text/javascript">

You can use this IE HTML5 shim script to gain a basic level of support for the new semantic elements in HTML5 such as <article>.

Modernizr is also a great option for giving IE HTML5 rendering capabilities.

Does it support

<!DOCTYPE html>

Yes it does.

Perhaps a better question is what modern web features IE8 supports. Some of the best places to answer that are,, and

HTML5 means a lot of different things to different people. These days, it means HTML, CSS, and JavaScript functionality. The term is becoming a bit "Web 2.0"-like.

Also are supported HTML5 hashchange event and ononline, offline event

IE8's HTML5 support is limited, but Internet Explorer 9 has just been released and has strong support for the new emerging HTML5 technologies.

HTML5 is still in draft spec (and will be for a loooong time). Why bother?

Check out the caniuse guide for all HTML 5 features across all browsers and versions, including future versions.

You can use this to make IE8 understand/support basic HTML5 tags.

<!--[if lt IE 9 ]> 
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var html5Elem = ['header', 'nav', 'menu', 'section', 'article', 'aside', 'footer'];
        for (var i = 0; i < html5Elem.length; i++){

According to, IE8 will have "strong" HTML 5 support. I haven't seen anything discussing exactly what "strong support" entails, but I can say that yes, some HTML5 stuff is going to make it into IE8.

You can read more about IE8 and HTML 5 support here:

Some of the other answers here are about adding HTML5 capabilities to IE8 and other browsers. These are called Polyfills and my favourite place for finding those is here.

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