
I'm using the Nagios plugin check_email_delivery to monitor email, and to check software statuses in some cases. We're now moving all of our internal mail servers to Office 365 and have discovered that this command:

./check_imap_receive_epn -H -U -P password --ssl -s SUBJECT -s $ARG1$ -w 1200 -c 1800

Results in:

IMAP RECEIVE CRITICAL - Could not connect to port 993: IO::Socket::INET6 configuration failederror:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0) at ./check_imap_receive_epn line 93.

HOWEVER! Resolving the cname to an IP address seems to work. Example:

./check_imap_receive_epn -H -U -P password --ssl -s SUBJECT -s $ARG1$ -w 1200 -c 1800

With a result of:

IMAP RECEIVE OK - 5 seconds, 1 found, 1 deleted

I think the issue is caused here:

my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(PeerAddr=>"$imap_server:$imap_port", %ssl_args);

Where $imap_server isn't resolving correctly. Any suggestions? >.<

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because IO::Socket::INET6 is installed IO::Socket::SSL will use this as base class. IO::Socket::INET6 tries to get an IPv6 address first (e.g. DNS AAAA record), while ping etc often try IPv4 only (there is usually a ping6 to for IPv6). So if your IPv6 setup is broken you might not realize it with IPv4-only tools. Please check:

  • dig AAAA - this should give you IPv6 addresses. If you don't have IPv6 it should give no records at all and NOERROR, but some broken resolvers return NXDOMAIN instead
  • if you get an IPv6 address try to connect to it, e.g. perl -MIO::Socket::INET6 -e 'IO::Socket::INET6->new("[2a01:111:f400:9800::6]:993") or die $!' If you get an error your IPv6 setup is broken, e.g. the resolver returns IPv6 records even you cannot reach hosts by IPv6
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