
I saw this asked in the SO Tavern, so I'm posting the question here. I thought it an interesting question. (Of course it doesn't belong on SO, but I think it's OK here.)

Do you add periods (or, as the OP wrote, "full stops") in your code comments?

To keep it relevant, why?

Was it helpful?


Full stop is for ending sentences, but if a comment consists of just one sentence surrounded by code, then full stop is not necessary in my opinion. Sometimes I even don't capitalize the first letter. A detailed multiline comment, on the other hand, does need full punctuation.

// This function returns an average of two integers. Note that it may
// return an irrelevant result if the sum of a and b exceeds the int
// boundaries.

int avg(int a, int b)   // make it static maybe?
    // A better algorithm is needed that never overflows
    return (a + b) / 2; 


Yes, Because comments are in English, and proper English uses punctuation.

Do you add periods (or, as the OP wrote, "full stops") in your code comments?

To keep it relevant, why?

For the same reason I add them when writing "normal" text - they are a part of the language in writing, and there shouldn't be anything special about them. I use them equally when writing one sentence (one line) comments as well as whole paragraphs.

Source code is not normal text, and therefore we use different rules for it. Simple ;-)

If you write comments one would hope they are written in English. That being case case, one should punctuate properly. Doing otherwise would be lazy.

If I write a full sentence (or more), then yes. If I don't, then sometimes no, but usually still yes.

I also sometimes go crazy and use exclamation points, question marks, etc. ;)

As for why, it's partly because I'm just particular like that and partly because I find that appropriate punctuation can add a lot of clarity.

The other answers and their popularity have made it clear that full stops are well appreciated in longer comments, and probably can be avoided in one-liners.

Another point that might be relevant is to avoid exclamation marks, especially multiples. Example:

    // Though loop is labor-intensive, performance is fine with with 95K cases!!!


    // This code really sucks!

On the other hand, question marks are quite useful sometimes:

    // TODO: What does Crojpler.bway() actually do?

It depends. If I write up a big, proper paragraph explaining what a block of code does, then I punctuate it properly, like any other piece of proper writing. OTOH, when I just comment a single line of code, then I don't.

Why? - Similar to why I write emails using proper writing, while I might use shorthand sentences in SMS messages. In one case I'm sitting down to write a proper block of text, so I just automatically "do it properly", while in the other it's just a brief note to get a point across.

Real examples from my code:

Quick note comment:

// check for vk_enter

"Proper" method documentation:

// This method sets up a workspace tab with the given name. Each MDI window has a parent
// workspace specified when it's saved. The code which loads each MDI window then point it to
// the correct workspace.

Yes i think by this way you create a good coding convention and it also creates a neat readable code for a 3rd person reviewing your code.

I will always properly capitalize and punctuate when creating XML comments that I expect to be seen in IntelliSense and in our generated documentation. These are much more formal constructs and should be treated as such.

Comments just seen in the body of a code block, however, should simply be as clear as possible. It's up to the programmer how they achieve that.

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