
I have a jsp page which display some records in a table and each record has a link called update next to it. When update is clicked , the jsp page will call a servlet which gets some information from the url , such as the record ownername , record title , etc. (When the link is clicked , these information are attached to url).

The servlet which is called by the jsp page , will then dispatch its request and response to another jsp page , it will display "OK". (This is just a simple program which i have setup)

My problem is, the sevlet cannot dispatch to the other jsp page.

Here is what i have done :

This is the First Jsp page which will display the records (Works perfectly)

    <table border="10">
        <th>Project Owner</th><th>Project Supervisor </th>
        <th>Project Title</th> 
        <th>Project Description</th>
        <th>Approval Status</th>
        <c:forEach items="${nominationList}" var="Iter">
                <td><a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/ProjectApproval/${Iter.projectOwner}">Update</a></td>
            </tr>  //Above is the link to update each record           

This is the servlet code which it will call

      RequestDispatcher updateDispatcher=request.getRequestDispatcher("testing.jsp");
      updateDispatcher.forward(request, response);

//this servlet dispatches to the other jsp page

I found that if i remove the extra things in the url to update (In first jsp page code) , it works but the problem is i need those extra things to implement something else in the future.

Thank you for your time.

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If to my understanding , when you are trying to pass the ${Iter.projectOwner}

Because you are iterating it from a list. So the data must be available in the list.

You can try an hidden field instead like this ,

<input type="hidden" name="" value="${Iter.projectOwner}"

And use it in the form you are posting. .Hope it helps !

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