
Is it possible to do something like this in Python using regular expressions?

Increment every character that is a number in a string by 1

So input "123ab5" would become "234ab6"

I know I could iterate over the string and manually increment each character if it's a number, but this seems unpythonic.

note. This is not homework. I've simplified my problem down to a level that sounds like a homework exercise.

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a = "123ab5"

b = ''.join(map(lambda x: str(int(x) + 1) if x.isdigit() else x, a))


b = ''.join(str(int(x) + 1) if x.isdigit() else x for x in a)


import string
b = a.translate(string.maketrans('0123456789', '1234567890'))

In any of these cases:

# b == "234ab6"

EDIT - the first two map 9 to a 10, the last one wraps it to 0. To wrap the first two into zero, you will have to replace str(int(x) + 1) with str((int(x) + 1) % 10)


>>> test = '123ab5'
>>> def f(x):
            return str(int(x)+1)
        except ValueError:
            return x
 >>> ''.join(map(f,test))

>>> a = "123ab5"
>>> def foo(n):
...     try: n = int(n)+1
...     except ValueError: pass
...     return str(n)
>>> a = ''.join(map(foo, a))
>>> a

by the way with a simple if or with try-catch eumiro solution with join+map is the more pythonic solution for me too

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