
I am using the bootstrap typeahead.js feature for autocomplete capability for 'state' lookup. How can I best prevent individuals from typing all (and not successfully picking Alaska) before submitting the form?

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Typeahead.js does not currently support this behavior.
You can use other libraries better suited for restricted options, for example Select2
However I have working fork of Typeahead that supports this.
See the JQuery example page here:


Depending on your requirements you could enforce picking from valid options only and clearing any invalid input.

Start with creating a custom source which tracks search results:

    var sync = false;
    var current_results = [];
    var current_q = '';
    var selected_val = '';

    function search(q, sync) {
        current_q = q;
        window.sync = sync;, cust_sync);

    function cust_sync(datums) {
      current_results = datums;

          highlight: true,
          minLength: 0
            source: search // custom search engine


Then bind select and change event handlers.

    $('#typeahead').bind('typeahead:change', function(ev) {
        var current_val = $('#typeahead').val();
        // user moved cursor out of input without selecting from the menu
        if(current_val != selected_val){
            // current query has search results
                // change input to the first valid search result
                $('#typeahead').typeahead('val', current_results[0].name); 
            // no results for this query - clear input
                $('#typeahead').typeahead('val', '');

    $('#typeahead').bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, suggestion) {
        selected_val = $('#typeahead').val(); // keep track of a selected value
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