
I have a Large Mongo DB with raw web scraping data. I have a process that reads the mongo docs and creates records in my MySQL reporting DB. I need to track the documents that I have processed in the MongoDB. I am trying to use the ObjectID but can't seem to convert it to a string. I am using Pymongo as my client.

 for i in Coll.find({"ISBN": {"$exists" : True}})[20:50]:
        print('starting collection loop')
        #Check if doc has been processed
        if not ProcessingLog.objects.filter(mongoID = i['_id']).exists():
            mongoID = ProcessingLog(mongoID = i['_id'],source = 'amazon',createDate=


I get the following error

ValueError: too many values to unpack

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pymongo includes methods to work with ObjectId() as other type.

You can see what they are in the docs here. You can probably make do with just str(o).

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