
Hi I'm developing an invoicing application.

So the general idea is to have two tables:

Invoice (ID, Date, CustomerAddress, CustomerState, CustomerCountry, VAT, Total);

InvoiceLine (Invoice_ID, ID, Concept, Units, PricePerUnit, Total); 

As you can see this basic design leads to a lot of repetiton of records where the client will have the same addrres, state and country.

So the alternative is to have an address table and then make a relationship Address<-Invoice.

However I think that an invoice is immutable document and should be stored just the way it was first made. Sometimes customers change their addresses, or states and if it was coming from an Address catalog that will change all the previously made invoices.

So What is your experience?

How is the customer address stored in an invoice? In the Invoice table? an Address Table? or something else?

Can you provide pointers to a book, article or document where this is discussed in further detail?

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I would strongly recommend against storing any customer details like that in the Invoice.

Instead, I would have a structure like:

Customer table, with a primary key of id

Customer address table (as each customer may have different addresses over time), with the customer id as a foreign key

Invoice table, with an address field that is a foreign key to a customer address table.

BTW, I would consider adding a VAT field per line item. There are countries where there are different VAT rates for different item types.


Most standard product/order databases will have

a products table (ProductId, product info fields)  
a customers table (CustomerID, customer info like address etc) 
and an orders table  (OrderNumber, CustomerID, date, etc)

Then your order items become a many-many relationship table between orders and products.

orderItems (OrderNumber, ProductID, quantity, purchasePrice, vat, etc)

To get a full invoice you'd query the orders table and join it with the OrderItems table. OrderItem usually has purchase price and such because the price in the product table may change after the order is created and that information is often useful to store.

I'd consider doing it with three tables: Customer, Invoice and Address, but construct it so that once an address is entered, it is never updated or deleted, only deprecated. You can have an IsDeprecated or IsActive boolean field in your address table. Then when you create an invoice, the invoice links to the CustomerID AND to the AddressID being used at the time. When the customer changes their address, you create a new record with a new AddressID and deprecate the old one with the boolean field. Or if you really want to keep good records and/or will ever need to look up this data, you could have an AddressActiveStartDate and AddressActiveEndDate, but this will make queries a little more complicated.

That way you still store the old address, with it still being linked to the customer for reference, while also allowing the customer to have more than one listed address (e.g. one for shipping, one for billing).

You can add more tables as necessary, e.g. Product, InvoiceLine, State, etc.

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