
I have User type in neo4j database with a 'registered' property that stores the timestamp (Long) when user joined the site. I want to find how many users have registered before a given date. I defined a query method on the Spring-data Graph repository interface:

@Query("MATCH user=node:User WHERE user.registered < {0} RETURN count(*)")
def countUsersBefore(registered: java.lang.Long): java.lang.Long

I see in the Neo4j manual a lot of queries that just start with MATCH, but Spring-data doesn't seem to like it and requires a START. In my case I don't have an obvious node from where I can start, since my query is not following any relationships, it's just a plain count-where combination.

How can I fix this query? Do I need an index on the 'registered' property?

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If you want to use this syntax you have to use Spring Data Neo4j 3.0-M01 which works with Neo4j 2.0.0-M06.

You also need that to be able to use labels.

But better wait for the next milestone version of SDN 3.0 which will work with Neo4j 2.0.0 final.


If you use the SDN types index:

START user=node:__types__(className="org.example.User") 
WHERE user.registered < {0} 
RETURN count(*) 

or in a repository this derived method should work:

public interface UserRepository extends GraphRepository<User> {
  int countByRegisteredLessThan(int value);


Instead of MATCH user=node:User..., you want MATCH (user:User)...

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