
This is a followup to this question.

Why does this code not compile, and how do I fix it?

trait Vec[V] { self:V =>
  def -(v:V):V
  def dot(v:V):Double

  def norm:Double = math.sqrt(this dot this)
  def dist(v:V):Double = (this - v).norm

The error is:

Vec.scala:6: error: value norm is not a member of type parameter V
  def dist(v:V):V = (this - v).norm
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Solution 2

The proper solution is:

trait Vec[V <: Vec[V]] { self:V =>
  def -(v:V):V
  def dot(v:V):Double

  def norm:Double = math.sqrt(this dot this)
  def dist(v:V):Double = (this - v).norm

Props to Debilski for the answer to a related question.


By changing the definition of - to

def -(v:V):Vec[V]
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