
I have css statements like this:

margin-left: calc(50% - 480px);

Which work fine unminified but as soon as I begin minifying, the statement gets changed to:

margin-left: calc(50%- 480px);

Rendering all calc statements broken. Similar things happen with width, max-width, min-width, etc. Is there any way I can change the behavior of the bundle to leave those CSS properties alone?

Currently I'm just using bundles.Add(new Bundle()) to prevent minification entirely, but it would be nice if I could minify correctly.

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This is an issue of the optimizer.

To avoid the miniffier to remove the whitespaces, group the affected element with parenthesis. That workarrounds the issue.

margin-left: calc((50%) - 480px);


In addition to the answer above: if you use:

margin-left: calc((50%) + 480px);

You should rewrite it as:

margin-left: calc((50%) - -480px);

Since it didn't seem to fix (50%)+ for me.

If the default css minification is not doing what you need, you can always use a third party one.

bundling allows you to use your own transformations using IBundleTransform

var bundle = new Bundle("~/Content/css", myCustomCssTransform);

there are many different bundlers - nuget

for example you could use YUI compressor:

    using System.IO;
using System.Web.Optimization;
using Yahoo.Yui.Compressor;

namespace Bundler.Utilities
 public enum contentType

 public class YUITransform : IBundleTransform

  readonly string _contentType = string.Empty;

  public YUITransform(contentType contentType)
   if (contentType == contentType.css)
    this._contentType = "text/css";
    this._contentType = "text/javascript";

  public void Process(BundleContext context, BundleResponse bundle)
   bundle.ContentType = this._contentType;

   string content = string.Empty;

   foreach (FileInfo file in bundle.Files)

    using (StreamReader fileReader = new
StreamReader(file.FullName)) {
     content += fileReader.ReadToEnd();


   bundle.Content = Compress(content);

  string Compress(string content) {

   if (_contentType == "text/javascript")
     return JavaScriptCompressor.Compress(content);
    return CssCompressor.Compress(content,

This is totally normal as referring to CSS Values and Units Module it states

The following features are at-risk and may be dropped during the CR period: ‘calc()’, ‘toggle()’, ‘attr()’."

If you could skip the spaces there, that wouldn't be a complete minifying. An option is replacing spaces with unicode caracter \00A0

No idea why but calc((50%) - 480px) didnt work for me, however the following worked:


margin-left: calc(((100%) - (480px)))


margin-left: calc((100%) - -480px)

Beware of using variables in calc. You can end up with another CssMinify() bug:

@myVariable: 0em;
margin-left: calc((50%) - @myVariable);

is compressed and unit is cut off:

margin-left: calc((50%) - 0);

and it is not valid calc() call too!

It seems the issue has been fixed in the version 2.4.9 of YUI Compressor, which can be accessed from here I have used this css file:

    font-size: calc(50% - 3px);
    font-size: calc(50% + 3px);
    font-size: calc(50% + +3px);
    font-size: calc((50%) + (3px));
    font-size: calc(50% + (+3px));
    font-size: calc(50% + (3px));
    font-size: calc(50% - (-3px));
    font-size: calc(50% - -3px);

and running this command:

java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.9-BSI-2.jar --line-break 0 -o process.css.min.gz file.css

generates this output, which looks good:

body{font-size:calc(50% - 3px);font-size:calc(50% + 3px);font-size:calc(50% + +3px);font-size:calc((50%)+(3px));font-size:calc(50% + (+3px));font-size:calc(50% + (3px));font-size:calc(50% - (-3px));font-size:calc(50% - -3px)}
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