
My application.cfc uses the OnRequestStart to check users are logged in

<cfif not isDefined("session.auth.isLoggedIn")>
  <cfinclude template="loginForm.cfm">

and this is mangling my attempts to use a gateway service which errors out with

Error invoking CFC for gateway watchInboundFiles: null {GATEWAYTYPE={FileWatcher},ORIGINATORID={},CFCMETHOD={onDelete},DATA={{FILENAME={C:\temp\New Text Document.txt},TYPE={DELETE}}},CFCPATH={F:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\watch_dir.cfc},GATEWAYID={watchInboundFiles}}.

If I comment out the OnRequestSTart method the gateway works as expected.

Someone else ran into this before here and a solution is apparently to

add a new application.cfc which extended my original but overrode the onRequestStart() - which worked perfectly.

So how do I do that please?

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To answer your question:

Your new Application.cfc will live in another directory but extend your original:

<cfcomponent extends="">

  <cffunction name="onRequestStart">
    <!--- No login code here --->


All other functions are available as usual.

Hoep that helps! More info here.


You could also add something to the application.cfc to see if the call is coming from the gateway. If so then skip the if block.

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