
I got a legacy database where the value of 0 was used in FK columns to indicate that no relation have been specified.

This is not something that I can change in a trivial way. Is it possible to tell NHibernate to treat 0 as null in specified columns?


I know about not-found, but I just want to ignore those with 0.

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This solution worked great for us:

In short:

Add the following class:

public class NullableTuplizer : PocoEntityTuplizer
    public NullableTuplizer(EntityMetamodel entityMetamodel, PersistentClass mappedEntity)
        : base(entityMetamodel, mappedEntity)

    public override object[] GetPropertyValuesToInsert(
        object entity, IDictionary mergeMap, ISessionImplementor session)
        object[] values = base.GetPropertyValuesToInsert(entity, mergeMap, session);
        //dirty hack 1
        for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
            if (values[i ] == null && typeof (IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(getters[i ].ReturnType))
                values[i ] = ProxyFactory.GetProxy(0, null);
        return values;

    public override object[] GetPropertyValues(object entity)
        object[] values = base.GetPropertyValues(entity);
        //dirty hack 2
        for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
            if (values[i ] == null && typeof (IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(getters[i ].ReturnType))
                values[i ] = ProxyFactory.GetProxy(0, null);
        return values;

    public override void SetPropertyValues(object entity, object[] values)
        //dirty hack 3.
        for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
            if (typeof (IEntity).IsAssignableFrom(getters[i ].ReturnType)
                && ((IEntity) values[i ]).Id == 0)
                values[i ] = null;
        base.SetPropertyValues(entity, values);

Then register it for every relevant mapping:

foreach (var persistentClass in configuration.ClassMappings)
    persistentClass.AddTuplizer(EntityMode.Poco, typeof(NullableTuplizer).AssemblyQualifiedName);


There is a similar question: NHibernate Saving 0 to many-to-one column instead of null. There is an interesting, but a bit weird solution by Noel Kennedy.

I would probably store a record with the ID 0 in the database, which represents a Null Object.

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