
I've an array from core data and I'm trying to think how can I sort the array by the nearest distance:

for (int i=0; i<allTasks.count; i++) {
        id singleTask = allTasks[i];
        double latitude = [singleTask[@"latitude"] doubleValue];
        double longitude = [singleTask[@"longitude"] doubleValue];

EDIT: The distance between current location and all the locations in the array. I know how to calculate the distance, I don't know how to sort them.

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Solution 2

  1. get the CLLocation for your currentPosition (this is done via CLLocationManager)

  2. calculate the distances for each item and store distance+item as a Pair in a Dictionary

  3. Sort Dictionary allKeys array with compare: selector


CLLocation *current = ...;
NSMutableDictionary *distsAndTasks [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

for(id task in allTasks) {
    CLLocation *taskLoc = [[CLLocation alloc] longitude:task.long];//!
    CLLocationDistance dist = [taskLoc distanceFrom:current];
    if(distsAndTasks[@(dist)]) {
        NSMutableArray *equidstants = [distsAndTasks[@(dist)] mutableCopy];
        [equidstants addObject:task]; 
        distsAndTasks[@(dist)] = equidstants; 
    else {
        distsAndTasks[@(dist)] = @[task]; 

NSArray *sortedDists = [distsAndTasks.allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];

//the tasks can now be access in a sorted way
for(NSNumber *dist in sortedDists) {
    NSArray *tasksAtDistance = distsAndTasks[dist];
    NSLog(@"%@", tasksAtDistance);


So do you want to sort your allTasks array?

The best thing to do would be to add a distance key/value pair to each singleTask object, holding a double NSNumber.

In a first pass, loop through your allTasks array, fetch each lat/long, use it to create a CLLocation, and use the CLLocation method distanceFromLocation: to calculate the distance between each location and your target (current?) location. Save the result into each singleTask object in your array.

Once your allTasks array contains a distance property, simply use one of the sort methods like sortUsingComparator to sort the array based on the distance value. (In the sortUsingComparator family of methods, you provide a comparator block that the system uses to compare pairs of objets. It then runs a sort algorithm on your array, using your comparator to decide on the sort order.

You can calculate distance between two points like this

You can also try this and define some way of calculating distance that will satisfy you as the comparison operator

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