
I have this little snippet of code in script tags, along with some functions:

window.onload = function()
        if (window.location.hash === 'open')
            $("#signinform").css("display", "block");
            $(".blackout").css("display", "block");

It's not working and I'm pretty sure its just because of a syntax error. However, I can't find it. The function is intended to be called when the page is loaded. Can you guys find the problem?

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Solution 2

Try this:

if (window.location.hash === '#open')

The hash member of window.location will return the # sign, plus whatever string follows it.

You can detect this behavior by typing console.log(window.location.hash) into your console.

Additionally, since you are already using jQuery, you could potentially stick with:

$(function() {

instead of



window.location.hash includes the hash mark ('#').

It will never match 'open', or any string without the hashtag.

Are you using jquery right? Try using .ready();

A good way to write javascript is put all your javascript code on end of your page, before </body>

As you are using jquery, you can do:

    if (window.location.hash === '#open')  //Inlude hash here!
        $("#signinform").css("display", "block");
        $(".blackout").css("display", "block");

window.location also works, but it takes much longer, for example if you have big images in your page, it will wait until all are loaded. $(document).ready doesn't have this problem.


working just fine:

function loaded() {
    if (window.location.hash == '#open') alert('ok');
window.location.hash = 'open'
window.onload = loaded;

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