
How do we use the Bing API in C#? I have to pass a query to the Bing API and then get the results.

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Download bing dlls from microsoft site and add those dlls . Then only we can able to use bing service.


BingService.BingService service = new BingService.BingService();

        SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest();
        // use your Bing AppID
        request.AppId = ""; /* Your App ID */
        request.Query = "rose"; // your search query

        // I want to search only web
        request.Sources = new SourceType[]

        SearchResponse response = service.Search(request);

        foreach (ImageResult result in response.Image.Results)

            //lstBxImages.Items.Add("<a href="+result.Url + '"'+"></a>" + result.Title);
            imgliteral.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<img src=" + result.MediaUrl + " width=100

Here's something will help you a lot

Just adding to above there is a full documentation of te API given by BING in a PDF.

Here is a Basic Details Version


Add a bing reference to web references in an application and use search.wsdl

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