
I got a coldfusion query where the result is grouped on country names. With a click on this one, I try to open or close the list under the country. But i cannot work correctly with this siblings and this parents. The result is, if i click on a country name, the fourth one, for example, it close all childrens, and the three country name which are before too. Can someone help me to choose the right selectors ? Thank you in advance , Michel

The code:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">  
        var toggleMinus = '<cfoutput>#variables.strWebAddress#</cfoutput>/images/bullet_toggle_minus.png';
        var togglePlus = '<cfoutput>#variables.strWebAddress#</cfoutput>/images/bullet_toggle_plus.png';
        var $subHead = $('table#categorylist tbody th:first-child');
        $subHead.prepend('<img src="' +toggleMinus+ '" alt="collapse this section" />&nbsp;');
        $('img', $subHead).addClass('clickable').click(function(){
            var toggleSrc = $(this).attr('src');
            if(toggleSrc == toggleMinus){

<table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" align="center id="categorylist"> 
        <th class="text3" width="15%">
            <cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTOR_CODENUMBER">
        <th class="text3" width="15%">
            <cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTOR_CODE">
        <th class="text3" width="55%">
            <cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTOR_NAME">
        <th class="text3" width="15%">
            <cfmodule template="../custom_tags/get_message.cfm" keyName="L_ACTIVE">
<tbody id="content">
<cfoutput query="qryCategoryUrl" group="country_name" groupcasesensitive="false">
    <tr class="country">
        <th style="font-weight:bold; text-align:left;" colspan="4">#country_name#</th>
        <td valign="top" class="text3">#Replace(ACTOR_CODENUMBER, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "<br>", "ALL")#&nbsp;</td>
        <td valign="top" class="text3">#Replace(ACTOR_CODE, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "<br>", "ALL")#&nbsp;</td>
        <td valign="top" class="text3">#Replace(ACTOR_NAME, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "<br>", "ALL")#&nbsp;</td>
        <td valign="top" class="text3"><cfmodule template="../custom_tags//get_message.cfm" keyName="#ACTIVE_display(qryCategoryUrl.ACTIVE)#"></td>
Was it helpful?


Instead of:


Try this:


And of course, apply the same change to the .fadeIn(). You might also look into .fadeToggle()docs.

Here's a (reduced) example: While it doesn't affect the example, presumably you would be setting the initial state of those detail rows as hidden.


woah all that cfmodule usage, cfmodule can be a memory hog.

Although what I always recommend is that people try their pages in whatever browser, and use the SelectorGadget bookmarklet at

This makes it easier to test and check the correct selector, for your app needs.

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