
I have started building a small app and using Omniauth and the omniauth-twitter gems.

Everyhting is going fine until twitters hits the callback url and i get sent to the failure response with the error auth/failure?message=session_expired&strategy=twitter.

Here is my code so far:

class Admin < Sinatra::Base
  register Sinatra::Namespace
  enable :sessions

  use OmniAuth::Builder do
    provider :twitter, 'Cient_ID', 'Client_secret'

  namespace '/admin' do
    get do
      erb :index

    get '/login/?' do
      redirect '/auth/twitter'


 get '/auth/twitter/callback' do
   "You are now logged in"

When i go to /admin/login I get redirect to twitter asking me to authorize the app and when I click "Allow" it redirects me back but I just get sent to the same failure screen over and over.

Was it helpful?


I have figured this out in my case. I was using Pow as my web server and in my project folder had a folder called 'tmp'. You can tell POW to restart the server on every request by adding in a file called 'always_restart'. The fact that the server restarted on every request meant the the session token became invalid. By removing this file I got it to work.

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