
I am attempting to write a component in C# to be consumed by classic ASP that allows me to access the indexer of the component (aka default property).

For example:
C# component:

public class MyCollection {
    public string this[string key] {
        get { /* return the value associated with key */ }

    public void Add(string key, string value) {
        /* add a new element */

ASP consumer:

Dim collection
Set collection = Server.CreateObject("MyCollection ")
Call collection.Add("key", "value")
Response.Write(collection("key")) ' should print "value"

Is there an attribute I need to set, do I need to implement an interface or do I need to do something else? Or this not possible via COM Interop?

The purpose is that I am attempting to create test doubles for some of the built-in ASP objects such as Request, which make use of collections using these default properties (such as Request.QueryString("key")). Alternative suggestions are welcome.

Update: I asked a follow-up question: Why is the indexer on my .NET component not always accessible from VBScript?

Was it helpful?


Try setting the DispId attribute of the property to be 0, as described here in the MSDN documentation.


Here is a better solution that uses an indexer rather than an Item method:

public class MyCollection {
    private NameValueCollection _collection;

    public string this[string name] {
        get { return _collection[name]; }
        set { _collection[name] = value; }

It can be used from ASP like:

Dim collection
Set collection = Server.CreateObject("MyCollection")
collection("key") = "value"
Response.Write(collection("key")) ' should print "value"

Note: I could not get this to work earlier because I had overloaded the indexer, this[string name], with this[int index].

Thanks to Rob Walker's tip, I got it working by adding the following method and attribute to MyCollection:

public string Item(string key) {
    return this[key];

Edit: See this better solution which uses an indexer.

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