
I use application plugin in gradle (v1.10) to package and to run my apps.

So, now I need to use aspects (aspectj), and I dont want to use aspectj-compiler (ajc).

Is it possible to tweak gradle application run scripts, so my app could be run with load-time-weaving? Something like providing jvm options:


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Yep, that's done like this:

project(':whatever') {
    apply plugin: 'application'

    mainClassName = 'some.Main'
    repositories { mavenCentral() } 

    dependencies {
        // substitute needed version of aspectj
        runtime "org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:$aspectj" 

    applicationDefaultJvmArgs = [

    // $ symbol gets escaped in script anyway:( so we need to replace it.
    startScripts {
        doLast {
            unixScript.text = unixScript.text.replace('\\$APP_HOME', '\$APP_HOME') 
            // do something like this for Windows scripts also
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