
How do I check if the cursor is on an empty line inside a textarea?

I don't care about word wrapping. I care about lines that were created by hitting Enter.

$('textarea').on("change keyup", function() {
  if (cursor is on an empty line or the the line has just spaces) {
  } else {
    console.log("has stuff");

For example:

This would log "has stuff"

The line above would log "empty" and this line would log "has stuff"

Was it helpful?


The following should work, but won't in older versions of IE.

// on(..., function() {
if( this.value.substr(0,this.selectionStart).match(/(?:^|\r?\n\s*)$/)
 && this.value.substr(this.selectionStart).match(/^(?:\s*\r?\n|$)/)) {

EDIT search now explicitly looks for a newline, with further whitespace optional.


Another solution would be:

function is_cursor_on_empty_line(textarea)
    // line where cursor is now
    var line_number = textarea.value.substr(0, textarea.selectionStart).split("\n").length;
    // split all lines of the textarea
    var lines = textarea.value.split("\n");

    // current line is empty or not
    return (lines[line_number-1] == '');

Example usage with Jquery:

var textarea = $('textarea');

if (is_cursor_on_empty_line(textarea[0]))
   // ...
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