
Is there a way to specify only build a specific build configuration via repl-launch?

Maybe something like:

lein trampoline cljsbuild <build_config_id> repl-launch chrome

I'd like my :dev and :prod build configurations to output to the same file so that I don't have to worry about having an index-dev.html which includes cljsoutput-dev.js etc.

Currently I start my server with

lein ring server-headless 3000
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I think that you can find the solution on the lein-cljsbuild repl-support page,

You can specify the repl-launch-commands as cljs-build properties

(defproject lein-cljsbuild-example "1.2.3"
  :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.1"]]
  :cljsbuild {
    :repl-listen-port 9000
      {"my-launch" ["firefox" "-jsconsole" "http://localhost/my-page"]})

There is also a @cemerick/austin project very releated with this problematic that maybe can helps you too. (Browser-connected REPLs)

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