
I'm uploading my first iPhone app to App Store via iTunes Connect, and got this error.

Invalid bundle identifier namespace com.yourcompany. in bundle identifier com.yourcompany.AAA

In my plist>Bundle Identifier I wrote same as com.yourcompany.AAA

In iTunes Connect I selected 'AAA - com.yourcompany.AAA'

where should I look?

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Take a different namespace to make the bundle identifier unique!


Register a domain name to insure uniqueness. If you register (you can't), use com.example.AAA (don't. You have to find your own unique domain and namespace.)

com.yourcompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} is the default namespace used by xcode when you create a new projet.

Simply change this name space with something different that identify you uniquely, something like com.bibbac.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} in Your_Project_Name-Info.plist file.

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