
I tried the following:

import grequests

urls = ['http://localhost/test', 'http://localhost/test']

params = {'a':'b', 'c':'d'}
rs = (, params) for u in urls)

But it says the following:

File "", line 6, in <genexpr>
rs = (, params) for u in urls)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 3 arguments (4 given)

I also need to pass the response to a callback for processing.

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Solution function takes only one positional argument i.e URL to which you have send that POST request. The rest of the parameters are taken as key word arguments.

So you need to call as:

import grequests

urls = ['http://localhost/test', 'http://localhost/test']

params = {'a':'b', 'c':'d'}
rs = (, data=params) for u in urls)
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