
I've used an early binding of a dictionary<string, string> to a gridview to show Urls Text and its HRef as key-value and it works like a charm. But since I want to replace the dictionary with this one :

dictionary<string, LinkInfo>

the binding goes wrong! Should I handle some events like as onItemDataBound or something? and the LinkInfo structure is:

public struct LinkInfo{
    public string href;
    public bool Enabled;
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Yes, you need to subsribe to the OnItemDataBound event. Use a template field, insert a literal with an ID like "href"

In the OnItemDataBound event use

Literal _href = e.Row.FindControl("href") as Literal;  
if(_href != null)
  _href = ((LinkInfo)e.Row.DataItem).href;

Edit: I've written an article that elaborates this topic further:

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