
<body style = "background-color: green;">


$inicioFibonacciErro = $fimFibonacciErro = "";
$inicioFibonacci = $fimFibonacci = "";

        $inicioFibonacciErro = "O primeiro numero da sequencia eh necessario";
        $inicioFibonacci = test_input($_POST["inicioFibonacci"]);
        $fimFibonacciErro = "O ultimo numero da sequencia eh necessario";
        $fimFibonacci = test_input($_POST["fimFibonacci"]);

function test_input($dados){
    $dados = trim($dados);
    $dados = stripslashes($dados);
    $dados = htmlspecialchars($dados);
    return $dados;

<h1 style = "text-align: center; color: red;">Digite os valores desejado pra a    sequencia de fibonacci</h1>
<!-- Caso queira mandar pra outra pagina utilizar action = "nomedapagina" -->
<!-- Caso queira mandar pra a propria pagina '<?php echo  htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>' -->
<form action= <?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>  method="post"> 
Primeiro numero da sequencia: <input type="text" name="inicioFibonacci" />
<spam class = "error">* <?php echo $inicioFibonacciErro ?> </spam> <br /><br />
Ultimo numero da sequencia: <input type="text" name="fimFibonacci" />
<spam class = "error">* <?php echo $fimFibonacciErro ?> </spam> <br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Veja o resultado!" />


This code will generate a page that requires two numbers to create a fibonacci sequence. I have written a conditional that shows a message to the user if he didn't write one these two numbers.

My doubt here is: The action i'm using is useful to send the error (if there is some) to the same page. But if there isn't any erros nothing happens.

What I want do, if possible, is to create a condition where I use this action if there is an error, but if there is not, it use the action to send the numbers to other page that will show the fibonacci sequence.

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You can embed HTML in PHP conditionals during page generation as follows:

<p>Some html goes here</p>
<?php if(CONDITION) { ?>
  <p>Unlimited html goes here</p>
<?php } else { ?>
  <p>However much html you want to handle the false-case goes here</p>
<?php } ?>

If you want to perform conditionals after the page has been generated, you will need a client-side scripting language: JavaScript.


you can use template frameworks (such as smarty) to use conditions to determine which html code to display. for example say you have results where one of the columns has a value of 1 or 2, you could take your result set and do this (html tags shown just to show the blending)

{foreach $results as $result}
    {if $result.mycol == 1}
        random text

this would output something like

random text
random text

in the case of smarty, your html code goes in a file with the extension .tpl and you use your php code to send the php variables to the template

$smarty->assign("results", $results);
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