
Is there an equivalent to Apache's VirtualHost for IIS? We want to be able to run multiple websites from one IP and address them with different DNS names.

i.e. I have

that all point to Apache would just be running on port 80 and just use virtualhost to decide which site should be served.

Is this possible in Windows IIS6?


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You want to use Host Headers in IIS - that link will lead to a nice how-to page.


As rob_g suggested, if you already have a website running (eg. default website) you can also select 'Edit bindings' on the website and specify a hostname.

Create a new virtual host:

iis manager --> (local computer) --> right-click Web Sites --> New --> Web Site

Check/change/add hostname information (the other hostname to recognize) on a virtual host:

iis manager --> (local computer) --> Web Sites --> right-click/properties on one of the sites --> Web Site --> Advanced --> "Multiple identities for this Web site"

In IIS 7, you will add in Bindings on the right side Actions column, Edit Site while the desired Site is selected. How to add Virtual Hosts in IIS

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