
I'm trying to write an integration test for my application that utilizes entity framework and sharprepository. I'm writing some tests at the moment and I've noticed that data that I add to the repository in the tests is not being removed when I call Dispose() during TestCleanup. My code is as follows:

    public void Initialize()
        var config = new EntityFrameworkRepositoryConfiguration(null);
        _factory = new BasicRepositoryFactory(config);
        _channelRepository = _factory.CreateRepository<Channel>();

    public void Cleanup()

    public void ShouldCreateRepositoryAndExecuteGetAllWithoutExceptions()

    public void ShouldCreateRepositoryAndInsertIntoItWithoutExceptions()
        var repo = _factory.CreateRepository<Channel>();
        // NB: We can't mock this. Has to be real stuff.
        var channel = new Channel() { Id = 1 };


        Assert.AreSame(channel, _channelRepository.Get(1));

    public void ShouldCreateRepositoryAndFindSingleElementBasedOnPredicate()
        var channels = new[]
            new Channel(),
            new Channel(),
            new Channel()


        var firstOfPredicate = _channelRepository.Find(x => x.Id > 3);
        Assert.IsTrue(_channelRepository.Count() == channels.Length,
            "Seeded array has {0} elements, but the repository has {1}.",
        Assert.AreEqual(channels[2].Id, firstOfPredicate.Id);

The main purpose of these tests is not to test the SharpRepository implementation of EntityFramework, but rather to make sure that I've configured Entity Framework correctly. EntityFrameworkRepositoryConfiguration simply contains a connection string, which is passed to BasicRepositoryFactory - which literally just calls return RepositoryFactory.GetInstance<T>();.

My issue is is that ShouldCreateRepositoryAndFindSingleElementBasedOnPredicate fails because the element added in ShouldCreateRepositoryAndInsertIntoItWithoutExceptions is still in the repository - even though the repository should have been disposed in Cleanup.

What can I do to fix this issue?

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I was stupid - I automatically assumed that IRepository would work like the Entity Framework repository in that all actions are interally queued until you call SaveChanges; nope. What actually happens is that all changes are committed immediately when you use any CRUD operation on IRepository.

I discovered Batches last night, which are basically delayed queue actions. I should use those for tests, rather than IRepository.

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