
I'm trying to set up a project that use UnitOfWork and Repository pattern.

Now I can't use an IoC and EF4, so I'm trying with Linq and the DataContext with a bit of dependency :(. I don't hide that I'm a bit confused about the integration of all these concepts. I noticed debugging my code that the DataContext doesn't see the updates made to an object, but every time it adds a new entity to database.

I have read a lot about, but I can't find my problem, maybe it's a simple step. Before I proceed, here's what I have:

For example I have an object called foo...I have the foo controller that in the constructor creates a new instance of fooRepository. In the fooRepository I add a reference to my UnitOfWork that wraps the DataContext...Is that right? Here's my code

public class ListaController : Controller

    IListaRepository _listaRepository;       

    public ListaController()
        : this(new ListaRepository()) {

    public ListaController(IListaRepository repository)
        _listaRepository = repository;

    public ActionResult Edit(int id, Lista lista)
            return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View();

   public class ListaRepository : LinqRepository<Lista>, IListaRepository 

    protected IUnitOfWork uow
        get { return base.GetCurrentUnitOfWork<IUnitOfWork>(); }

    public ListaRepository()
        : base()

    public override void Add(Lista lista)

    public override void Save(Lista lista)

   public static class UnitOfWork
    private const string HTTPCONTEXTKEY = "Domain.HttpContext.Key";

    private static IUnitOfWorkFactory _unitOfWorkFactory;
    private static readonly Hashtable _threads = new Hashtable();

    public static void Commit()
        IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = GetUnitOfWork();
        if (unitOfWork != null)

    public static IUnitOfWork Current
            IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = GetUnitOfWork();
            if (unitOfWork == null)
                //Qui inserisco dipendenza in quanto non uso un IoC
                //_unitOfWorkFactory = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IUnitOfWorkFactory>();
                _unitOfWorkFactory = new LinqUnitOfWorkFactory();
                unitOfWork = _unitOfWorkFactory.Create();
            return unitOfWork;

    private static IUnitOfWork GetUnitOfWork()
        if (HttpContext.Current != null)
            if (HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(HTTPCONTEXTKEY))
                return (IUnitOfWork)HttpContext.Current.Items[HTTPCONTEXTKEY];
            return null;
            Thread thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(thread.Name))
                thread.Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                return null;
                lock (_threads.SyncRoot)
                    return (IUnitOfWork)_threads[Thread.CurrentThread.Name];

    private static void SaveUnitOfWork(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        if (HttpContext.Current != null)
            HttpContext.Current.Items[HTTPCONTEXTKEY] = unitOfWork;
            lock (_threads.SyncRoot)
                _threads[Thread.CurrentThread.Name] = unitOfWork;

public abstract class LinqRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
    protected ManagerEmailDataContext _context = new ManagerEmailDataContext();

    protected ManagerEmailDataContext Context
            if (_context == null)
                _context = GetCurrentUnitOfWork<LinqUnitOfWork>().Context;
            return _context;

    public TUnitOfWork GetCurrentUnitOfWork<TUnitOfWork>() where TUnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
        return (TUnitOfWork)UnitOfWork.Current;

    public abstract IQueryable<T> GetAll();
    public abstract void Add(T entity);
    public abstract void Save(T entity);
    public abstract T Get(int id);

protected void Application_Start()
    LinqUnitOfWorkFactory.SetDataContext(() => new ManagerEmailDataContext());

public class LinqUnitOfWorkFactory : ManagerEmail.Models.IUnitOfWorkFactory
    private static Func<ManagerEmailDataContext> _objectContextDelegate;
    private static readonly Object _lockObject = new object();

    public static void SetDataContext(Func<ManagerEmailDataContext> objectDataContextDelegate)
        _objectContextDelegate = objectDataContextDelegate;

    public IUnitOfWork Create()
        ManagerEmailDataContext context;
        lock (_lockObject)
            context = _objectContextDelegate();
        return new LinqUnitOfWork(context);
}`enter code here`

Any help or suggest will be appreciated!

Sorry if I posted all the code, but It's about a week that I'm going crazy with this thing.

Was it helpful?


The problem is related with LINQ. In my controller I call the Save(T entity) method and in my repository I have

public override void Save(Lista lista)
   Lista original = CloneEntity<Lista>(this.Get(lista.Id));
   this._uow = new LinqUnitOfWorkFactory().Create(); //I must renew the DataContext
   this._uow.Context.Listas.Attach(lista, original);
   this._uow.Context.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepChanges, lista);

internal static T CloneEntity<T>(T originalEntity)
   Type entityType = typeof(T);
   DataContractSerializer ser = new DataContractSerializer(entityType);
   using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
       ser.WriteObject(ms, originalEntity);
       ms.Position = 0;
       return (T)ser.ReadObject(ms);

Hope this helps someone.


I can't see where you're calling DataContext.SubmitChanges(). Your unit of work Commit() method needs to call that at some point to save the changes to the db.

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