
I am trying to place a repeater within a repeater using xml data. I have it working exactly as I want, but the method I have used reloads the data for each repeater. I think I need to cast as an XmlNode but I'll be honest - I have no idea where to start.

Here is my code - I'd like to keep everything in the code behind if possible.

<script runat="server">

Public doc As New XmlDocument()

Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs)

    If Not Page.IsPostBack then


        Dim nodes As XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("Bookings/Booking[@CLIENT_NO='SA33762']")
        rpMyRepeater.DataSource = nodes

    End If

End Sub

   Protected Sub itemDB(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs)
      If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item OrElse e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then

         Dim rpt As Repeater = CType(e.Item.FindControl("books"), Repeater)

         If Not (rpt Is Nothing) Then


            Dim nodes2 As XmlNodeList = doc.SelectNodes("Bookings/Booking[@CLIENT_NO='SA33762']/Products/Book")

            rpt.DataSource = nodes2

         End If

      End If
   End Sub


Any ideas?

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Am I missing something here?

Can't you simply comment/remove your doc.Load(Server.MapPath("~/myxml/bookstore.xml")) out within your itemDB Sub? Since you defined doc "globally" and already loaded it on page load? (by doing that you will already avoid reloading the xml)

That said, I do agree with Caspar that you should rather use the XmlDatasource (especially for its caching abilities), you don't have to use the XmlDatasource within your markup - you can always define it within your code-behind as well - Since you're concerned about people seeing your ( server-side based) markup for some reason...


Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
        Dim source As New XmlDataSource()
        source.DataFile = "~/myxml/bookstore.xml"
        source.XPath = "Bookings/Booking[@CLIENT_NO='SA33762']"
        rpMyRepeater.DataSource = source
    End If

End Sub

Markup: (Nice thing you'll notice here, is that we bind the second repeater using the source from the first repeater)

<asp:Repeater ID="rpMyRepeater" runat="server">
        <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID='books' DataSource='<%#XPathSelect("//Booking/Products/Book") %>'>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <Booking CLIENT_NO="SA33762">
    <NAME>Mr Pf_Test_15033</NAME>
        <TITLE>My Book</TITLE>
        <TITLE>My Book2</TITLE>

The implementation using the ListView control (one of my favorite control) will look something like this: (If there's no books available, it will display the markup within the EmptyDataTemplate)

<asp:Repeater ID="rpMyRepeater" runat="server">
        <asp:ListView runat="server" ID="books" ItemPlaceholderID="phItems" DataSource='<%#XPathSelect("//Booking/Products/Book") %>'>
                <asp:PlaceHolder runat="server" ID="phItems"></asp:PlaceHolder>
                    Sorry no books available</p>


Use an XmlDatasource instead of custom code, better tested, tweaked, optimized, and meets your requirements. Why write something that is already in the framework? ;)

    XPath="Bookings/Booking[@CLIENT_NO='SA33762']" //<-- test this
    datafile="~/myxml/bookstore.xml" />
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