
Here is my test class:

import grails.test.mixin.*
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
import spock.lang.*
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j

@Mock([PromoRule, PromoCode, SecUser])
class PromoServiceSpec extends Specification {

@Shared testUser
@Shared testCode
@Shared testRule

def setup() {


def 'valid promo codes - #user, #code'() {
    testRule = new PromoRule(
            name : "ZTEST",
            receiverAmount : 5,
            receiverAmountType : PromoRule.AmountType.DOLLARS,
            senderAmount : 0,
            senderAmountType : PromoRule.AmountType.DOLLARS,
            receiverPointsAmount : null,
            receiverPointsAmountType : null,
            receiverMaxUse : null,
    ), failOnError:true)

    testUser = new SecUser(
            id: 1,
            version: 0,
            accountExpired: false,
            accountLocked: false,
            age: 9000,
            balance: 100,
            dateCreated: new Date(),
            emailVerified: true,
            enabled: true,
            firstName: 'Sir',
            lastName: 'Buttocks',
            lastUpdated: new Date(),
            lockedBalance: 0,
            username: "1",
            staff: false,
            displayName: 'sir_buttocks',
            usernameChosen: true,
            depositMade: true,
            depositOfferRecentlySeen: false,
            pin: null
    ) true, failOnError: true)

    testCode = new PromoCode(
            rule : testRule,
            code : "3",
            senderId : 1,
    ), failOnError:true)

    service.isValidPromoCode(user, code) == value

    user | code || value
    testUser | testCode || true


When I run this test, I get the following:

| Failure:  valid promo codes - null, null(skillz.PromoServiceSpec)
|  Condition not satisfied:

service.isValidPromoCode(user, code) == value
|       |                |     |     |  |
|       false            null  null  |  true
skillz.PromoService@20e0e9d5         false

I have tried a ton of different configurations and layouts, all of them either getting me a null pointer exception (to the variable itself) or a null value for the variable.

Doing all the definitions at static variables didn't change anything either, same result as using @Shared.

I've tried mocking these as well, but I always get null exceptions when trying to execute .Mock() for the class...


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I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve here, but the where block is evaluated before (the rest of) the method is first entered, and at that time, your shared variables are null. You'd have to set them earlier, e.g. in a setupSpec (not setup) method.

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