
I get the message:

Unable to found a valid admin for the class: Aman\VarshneyBundle\Entity\ArticleTable, get too many admin registered: sonata.admin.appsreview,,sonata.admin.article

I am not able to figure out this issue.

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you have to specify "admin_code" option in your field definition

in your admin class while building your form

protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
    $formMapper->add('user', 'entity', array(), array(
        'admin_code' => 'your.user.admin.service'


It only happens when you have multiple admin classes for the same entity.


I will put code with the use for the 'configureListFields' method, if it's usefull for someone.

protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
    ->add('filename', null, array('admin_code' => 'your.file.admin.service', 'label' => 'File Name'))
    ->add('parent', 'sonata_type_list', array('admin_code' => 'your.file.admin.service', 'label' => 'Parent File'))
    ->add('_action', 'actions', array(
        'label' => 'Actions',
        'actions' => array(
            'download' => array(
                'template' => 'FileAdminBundle:File:list__action_download.html.twig'

As we see, if we have multiple fields, we must put the 'admin_code' in all of them, excepts the actions (if we have it).

Hope it helps.

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