
Is the source code for the common login controls available?

Those are the controls which are available under Login section in Toolbox:

  • Login,
  • LoginView,
  • PasswordRecovery,
  • LoginStatus,
  • LoginName,
  • CreateUserWizard,
  • ChangePassword

Eventually could you point me to a good source of custom implementation of functionality that those controls provide, or some guidance on implementing this functionality without using the mentioned controls.

I am using Visual Studio 2005 (.net2)

I will be using SQLMembershipProvider as the MembershipProvider but that probably should make no difference.

Was it helpful?


I am going to give this a qualified "NO".

I have gone down the road of implementing an implementation of the Login server control using reflected source as a starting point (this was before symbol server integration).

Things seem to go swimmingly, with a few reflection hacks to get to core framework members that obviate reams of code.

Until you get to the designers. That infrastructure is a minefield and gets wide and deep with a quickness and is filled with even deeper buried internal types that need implementations or reflection hacks.

Ultimately wound up with a working control that I could extend but would never want to maintain.

The effort was not wasted; I learned a lot about how over engineered server controls are designed.

And then I just shifted a login control to template mode and got everything I needed to get done in a few lines of code. ;-)

Except as a learning experience I would certainly recommend against going down that road.

Good luck.


"the entire framework is available" is not true. :)

The source code for the entire framework is available. The link below provides some details as to how to access:

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